We have, it seems, reached the end of 2009.
But for all of you, I have a few SPECIAL WISHES for 2010:
May you have only GOOD HAIR days!

May you always LAND on your FEET, even in the most embarrassing situations!

May your miniature power tools make you DANCE with joy!

May you do SOMETHING EXCITING that you have never done before!
May you learn MANY interesting and useful things!
May your paths cross with many AMUSING and ENTERTAINING people!
May you NEVER run out of the necessities!
May you receive what your heart desires... not JUST at Christmas BUT always!
May you too walk with JOY in your heart and a SPRING in your step!
But on a more serious note:
We'll ALL be (at least!) one year older by the end of it.
I hope you are able to look back at 2009 with at least SOME fond memories.
The year 2010, like all other years, will hold many changes.
We'll ALL be (at least!) one year older by the end of it.
Some of us will have had the flu (bird/ goat/ pig, whatever develops next..).
We'll have made new friends, (and hopefully NOT have alienated any old ones).
Apple will have sold another few billions of electronics,
global warming will (optimistically) have dissipated
and world financial market will have bounced back.
global warming will (optimistically) have dissipated
and world financial market will have bounced back.
Whatever happens in the New Year, dear reader,
I wish you happiness.
May you be content with what you have,
or may you have the energy and power to change those things that you are not pleased with.
or may you have the energy and power to change those things that you are not pleased with.
May luck be your constant companion
and may you always remember to count to ten before saying anything.
and may you always remember to count to ten before saying anything.
Wherever you go, go in peace to avoid leaving in pieces.
(War leaves scars on winners too).
(War leaves scars on winners too).
Carpe diem