Memories of those halcyon days,
are fading fast.
Like footprints on the beach
scattered by the wind...
Carefree days, golden days,

Sand, sun and soft summer breezes.
Blue skies with little white clouds drifting by...
Bathing suits, wet towels and laughter.
Collecting shells...
Children's voices...
Hot dogs and ice cream...
More laughter.

Swim, read, relax...

Freedom to do what you want...
When you want.

Building castles in the sand...
and building them in the sky....
Dreaming. Snoozing.
Feeling alive,
Changing the world into miniature...
One thing at a time
While I was reading I could imagine the summer again in this rainy Sunday here in my city.
I miss the summer. I love it!!
What a wonderful scene. :)
Let's go to the beach!
Absolutely GORGEOUS!!
you have made a very relaxed scene with your minis. Very nice attention to detail, yet not cluttered. *cheers* -Ron
Thank you for leaving nice comments! I know it is UNBELIEVABLE to be grateful for something so insignificant... but we had RAIN... real rain.. the first rain in a very very long time! I had to wait until the skies cleared before I could take the photos for my post. It remained cloudy for 4 days! It rained only once, but it was real water!!! And a lot of water! The desert is going to look splendid in another week or two. And at last it is cooling down... The evenings are now becoming very pleasant.
Oh my! I LOVE this!! Thanks for sharing your beatiful summer AND the beautiful book!
This is so fabulous!!!!! Love it!!
What a amaizing scene,I love the beach days with my childrens playing
around,thanks for sharing!Sonia
So lovely and soothing. Here it has been raining for the last 2 days. Not only raining, it's pouring water as if it came from a watering can! A touch of sun is most welcomed. Thank you for the new cover, I love them Rosanna
Hello Lize, I love your photos, I love your locations, you know recreate the atmosphere so real ... then this is beautiful, makes me forget the cold that is outside my window!
thanks for the new cover, I'm all the collect! one day I will make lots of good books with them!
With love
It's abolutely beautiful. I would love to be on that beach. With the cold coming it's so nice to see those photos. I love the atmosphere, I love the sadcastle. Thank you for the book.
I get so annoyed sometimes with Google! (Most times I am very happy though!), but today Google sent some of my messages to 'comment heaven'! Now there is NO human error (as in my fault) this time, because half of them appeared in my comment box, but some fell through the hole! So if you left a message and it is not published, I am so sorry, but we can blame Google!!!
Amazing! I wish that I were a wee little person who could enjoy that chic tent!
It is a lovely little scene, so pleasant!....and many thanks for the book cover, I shall look forward to making it!
Lize, you made a really wonderful tent, I love how you have done the structure. I built one too (a carpet/ souvenir shop for a broke Maharajah) but I couldn't get the shape of the tent like you did.
I am so amazed that you are doing all this in KSA. I have been to Dubai & Abu Dabi and it is so scathingly hot and I am sure, there were 0 craft shop. That's why your work is all the more incredible!
Wonderful,beautiful,fantastic...what can I say more...I love it!
Beautiful scene!
Congratulations Lize! You won the $10 gift certificate to The Fabulous Farmhouse! Contact me at: mysmallobsession@charter.net
Mini Regards,
Loved this summer journey. Thanks for sharing.
I am also a miniaturist and I love your blog. What a great beach scene. Sheila at www.raggedykingdom.blogspot.com
Thank you for your commentary, in my blog
Jejejeje, but in these moments it is the space that tape-worm, to do rapidly.
Nonetheless(though), I do not remain badly it(he,she) does not seem to you.
Nevertheless your jaima I am charmed with to myself and me ofrecio an idea that talbez it(he,she,I) puts(put) in practice.
Probably it(he,she,I) pirates(pirate) you, jejejeje.
An affectionate greeting from españa
Also in algun that another post with your permission will copy the way of presenting the works, though assurance that my poetry(poem) not estara to your height
I was supposed to go to Dubai to build some models there. I wonder what access you have to miniature & crafts shops over in that area.
Gorgeous! Wish it were warm enough here to sit at a beach....maybe in another 6 months!
What a cute scene! I think I want to be there!
Hi Lize,
there is an award waiting for you on my blog-site. hope you have the time to look.
happy holidays for you!
Hi Lize....I thought that google only ate my comments, lol! I love this scene....the tent reminds me of the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!! And I love that little sand castle! Too cute!
And I don't know if I've ever thanked you for ALL the great book covers you make! Some day soon, I need to get them printed out and into Cora's house:) Thanks for stopping by my blog, too!! :)
What wonderfully colourful and happy pictures! The tent is just gorgeous.
Thank you so much for all of your beautiful book covers. I will save them on my computer and make them all.
Your summer scene is so beautiful!! It takes me to times that are gone, long summers, holiday cottages by the beach. Thankyou for the book printie too!
you've captured a day at the beach so perfectly - from teh shells down to the itty bitty cokes!!! Thank you so much for warming me up with this scene on this cold winters day here in washington dc!
they give desire to take a vacation
How fabulous, and original! :) Having come here via your photography blog I can see how come the photographs of this are so gorgeous - most of us struggle so to produce blog photos of our mini projects that show just a hint of how it looks in 'reality' - how wonderful that we can enjoy yours in 'all their glory' :)
A-ma-zing! Your sense of style, your imagination, your patience. Thank you.
I'm looking forward to getting more information about this topic, don't worry about negative opinions.
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