'Elegance is a bar of soap'. Nobody can doubt the truth of this statement since it was Hubert de Givenchy who said this, and the great man of fashion would have known!
The fragrance from a bar of soap can conjure up so many memories, places we have been and things we have seen. The world adores a baby, smiling contently and smelling divinely clean. Grandmothers should smell like Lavender, or April Violets. It should be an old fashioned smell. Not one of these 'new' fragrances such as grapefruit, or pomegranate, or espresso! How pleasant it is to walk into a bathroom where the heavenly fragrance of cleanliness lingers in the air. Freshly scrubbed faces after a day of play... soap suds mimicking funny hairdo's, ... and beards.

The joy of picking up a 'new' bar of soap, so smooth, so silky. Working up the lather. How can a bottle of shower gel ever compare? Oh yes, and please, no soap on a rope for me! That would just spoil the fun; chasing and scooping up that elusive and slippery bar from the water. (Childish, I know!)
Ah, indeed,'cleanliness is next to godliness'.
One day I would love to own a lavender farm! With miles and miles of lavender flowers.
But in the meantime, I have been collecting Lavender from where ever I go... I have lavender from France, England, South Africa, Canada and Australia.
I have lavender soap from Lebanon and Switzerland, Quebec and Australia.
I made a little broom cupboard...
If I want to clean, I suppose I need to take the mop out?
Well, perhaps the mop is a bit too small! It will take forever to mop and scrub the floor...
And this is the broom cupboard with the door.
PS. Don't forget to wash those hands properly, and with soap! Viruses such as H1N1 (or Swine Flu) are more likely to spread if we don't!