By your miniatures...
Your job...
Your 'stuff'...
Or just life in general?
Well, of late I have been feeling somewhat 'low'.
A bit like pushing a big yellow bus wherever I want to go!
Know that feeling?
Too much to do and too little time! And the end of the first quater of 2010 is drawing near!
Well, throw open those windows.
Take a deep breath
Clear your mind
Clear your mind
I send to you all...
A happy feeling
To come your way
And warm your heart
Let it float...
and take you with...
Walk on sunshine!
Have you ever had that feeling of actually 'walking on sunshine'?
Certainly, NOTHING could pin you down then...
Well here is that wonderful song by Katrina and the Waves.
It has the words, so you can sing along heartily!
Go ahead! No one can hear you!
And for today, and every day,
May your twilight be spectacular!
May your twilight be spectacular!