The month of December is nearly upon us, and soon it will be time to deliver those Christmas cards. There is such pleasure in opening these, and whether they have been handmade or bought, they bring such joy, all lined up on the mantle for Christmas time.
I love collecting writing paraphernalia, and it is the ideal time to take out all of these when preparing special wishes and words for friends at Christmas time.
This miniature glass pen, a treasured gift from Sorrento, Amalfi Coast, Italy, always gives me great pleasure to look at, and to hold such a delicate object. It is not 1/12 scale, but about 1/3 in scale.
Which colour do you prefer your cards and envelopes to be?
The final touch... the ritual of sealing letters, whether with wax, or embossing it...
So have a cup of tea, and start preparing your cards...
Oh yes, I am apparently slowly but surely losing my mind... and my 'h' as well! Those of you that noticed! Well I replaced the Calligrapy with Calligraphy on the back of the book! I need to spell check in Photoshop. Sorry about that !
And for those that are interested, here is another book cover for copying.
Changing the world into miniature...
One thing at a time