Saturday, November 28, 2009

Memories of Summer

Memories of those halcyon days,
are fading fast.

Like footprints on the beach
scattered by the wind...

Carefree days, golden days,

Sand, sun and soft summer breezes.

Blue skies with little white clouds drifting by...
Bathing suits, wet towels and laughter.

Collecting shells...

Children's voices...
Hot dogs and ice cream...
More laughter.

Swim, read, relax...

Freedom to do what you want...

When you want.

Building castles in the sand...

and building them in the sky....

Dreaming. Snoozing.

Feeling alive,

Changing the world into miniature...
One thing at a time

Printable Miniature Book Cover for everyone.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The night before...

Every year, at our house, on Christmas eve, we read T'was the night before Christmas. We have many traditions, some old, some newer, which makes our Christmas special.

The 'little people' also needs a 'T'was the night before Christmas'. (Or 'Twas, as it should rather be written, but somehow most books ended up with T'was)

 I have now searched high and low, and I am pretty sure that this image is vintage and not the property of anyone, so I can pass this book on to you. The book is a large 'picture book', so you can make it around 1 inch.

Changing the world into miniature...
One thing at a time.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

All that Glitter!

Have you noticed all the new and beautiful decorations available for Christmas? They come in every colour, but especially pinks and blues. There are a lot of feathers and glitter... Come and take a walk through the (unfinished!) Christmas shop...

Making the two Christmas trees (the silver and the pink one) was really hard! The wires were really obtuse and kept bending the wrong way... into my fingers!
The trees need more decorations but for now my hands need a rest.

I've been slightly obsessed with books lately... OK, I am usually obsessed with books! But I have been making a lot of books...


Changing the world into miniature...
One thing at a time

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Writing paraphernalia...and a mini book cover with improved spelling!

The month of December is nearly upon us, and soon it will be time to deliver those Christmas cards. There is such pleasure in opening these, and whether they have been handmade or bought, they bring such joy, all lined up on the mantle for Christmas time.

I love collecting writing paraphernalia, and it is the ideal time to take out all of these when preparing special wishes and words for friends at Christmas time.

This miniature glass pen, a treasured gift from Sorrento, Amalfi Coast, Italy, always gives me great pleasure to look at, and to hold such a delicate object. It is not 1/12 scale, but about 1/3 in scale.

Which colour do you prefer your cards and envelopes to be?

The final touch... the ritual of sealing letters, whether with wax, or embossing it...

So have a cup of tea, and start preparing your cards...

Oh yes, I am apparently slowly but surely losing my mind... and my 'h' as well! Those of you that noticed! Well I replaced the Calligrapy with Calligraphy on the back of the book! I need to spell check in Photoshop. Sorry about that !

And for those that are interested, here is another book cover for copying.
Changing the world into miniature...
One thing at a time

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

More Books...

Hi Everyone,

I added another book that is from one of the photos on my blog. You are welcome to use it as long as you are not planning to 'sell' it ;-)

Excuse my 'ramblings' on the cover, but I like to fill the 'space' with words, and never know what to write... but it will not show if printed, unless of course you read it with a microscope!

And it is a good idea to add false pages (one to the back and one to the front), as well as a card (for hard cover) which would fit inside the dust jacket, and then put the outer printed cover/dust jacket, it looks more like a real book than when you stick it flat to the white foam/wood. Let me know if this explanation is as confusing to you as it sounds to me, then I'll try and improve on the clarity!

Changing the world into miniature...
One thing at a time

Monday, November 9, 2009

Printable Miniature Book Covers

A printable book cover:
The photograph on the cover is one that I took over the summer of a lighthouse on the Koh Chang Island in Thailand.

Feel free to copy and paste it, but only for personal use please.
Click on the image for the large version and for the best possible copy.

The white lines are to guide you when you do the folding of the dust jacket, but they will barely be visible in a 1/12 scale.

I would think that it would be best to scale it down to 7/8 of an inch for a coffee table book.

Changing the world into miniature...
One thing at a time

Thursday, November 5, 2009

For Two

An old fashioned dinner...

The table in front of the music room window was set up while the sun was still high.

The white linen tablecloths were spread and carefully laid, followed by the flow blue china and polished cutlery.

Sunset comes earlier now as winter is fast approaching. The sun casts an orange glow over all before darkness sets.

Inside, the candle lights glow softly, expelling the darkness hiding in the corners.

Now only the two candles on the table are waiting to be lit.

The sheet music has been taken out in preparations for Christmas Carols.

Comfort Food for cooler evenings...

Now rush over to Susan's blog Between Naps on the Porch to see many more 'REAL' Tablescapes!

Good Night!

Changing the world into miniature...
One thing at a time
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